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updating multiple items with Etilize issue

Hello all,  I am fairly new to Quotwerks and have run in to what I think is a problem.  

When I create a quote with multiple line items and lets say there are some generic parts as well as specific laptops, desktops and monitors.  I then go and highlight all the lines items and hit the "refresh line items with Etilize data" button, 


some of the items are pulled in but others like specific laptops desktops and monitors are not.  It does not seem to matter what brand they are.  The cables and misc. other items pull in just fine.

Interestingly,  If I take one of those items that did not pull in and do a manual search for that item, it will pull in just fine with picture, description and everything.

Is this something with how I have QuoteWerks set up or some option I have not selected?



As an update,  I just noticed something but I'm not sure what to do about it.  

for any of the line items that have pictures they indicate they are manually specified regardless of how the picture were added.  All the rest indicate product db image not found.



Are these generic items from Etilize in the first place?

If not, do they have both a Part Number AND manufacturer set? I believe Etilize (not QW) requires the Manufacturer to ensure it can grab details for the correct SKU.

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Thank you Matt,  

I was working with tech support and they came up with a solution for me.

since I don't have privilege's to see the manufacturer column, a very useful and easy to use work around is to simply remove all the manufacturers part numbers and this forces Etilize to use the vendor and vendor part number.  doing that, it brings in all the Etilize data just fine, so problem solved!

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