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DONE-QuoteValet Macros not in the Manual

Is there a list of 'QV' macros (as opposed to the 'DH' and 'DI' ones) somewhere? I'm specifically looking to see if there is something in QuoteValet that maps to the &PaymentOptions QuoteWerks macro, which shows the actual Custom Payment Option text as opposed to 'CustomPaymentType1' with no description that I'm seeing in QuoteValet. It doesn't look promising at this point, but fingers crossed someone can help me out.

Am I missing something or is there not a macro for [QV_PreparedByMobilePhone]?

THANKS CAT! :) That's got it! I'm not sure that I would have found that resolution in a hurry - you've saved me a whole bunch of time. Keep up the great work. Regards, Steve.

In your QuoteWerks installation, if you go to Tools --> Options --> Payment, hit the little blue arrow next to Purchase Option display macro and Purchase Option Payment Type Calculation display macro to set them to the default (you can change these again later, just humour me for the for the first step).

Then, close & re-open QuoteWerks

Open the quote in question and remove the payment options you had previously added, then add them again, save, and re--upload to QuoteValet.

This is the base HTML for the payment area (

            [Begin_HasStandardPaymentOptions] [Begin_StandardPaymentOption]

            <div class="payment-option [Begin_StandardPaymentOptionIsInvalid]payment-option-is-invalid[End_StandardPaymentOptionIsInvalid]">

                <div class="payment-option-radio-area">



                <div class="payment-option-info">

                    <div class="payment-option-info-description">



                    <div class="payment-option-info-invalid-reason">




                <div class="payment-option-amount">

                    <div class="payment-option-amount-line-1">



                    <div class="payment-option-amount-line-2">



                        full payment



                        deposit payment




                        full payment





                    <div class="payment-option-amount-line-3">

                        ([DH_DocType] Total [QV_StandardPaymentOptionBaseAmount:f=1])






            [End_StandardPaymentOption] [End_HasStandardPaymentOptions]

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Unless I am misunderstanding something, then [QV_StandardPaymentOptionDescription] is definitely not being my friend!!!

 I am getting what seems to be the [QV_StandardPaymentOptionSubType] suffixed with "Purchase (purchase amount [DH_AlternateGrandTotal])" from [QV_StandardPaymentOptionDescription] and not the caption I enter into the Payment Display Text in the Sales Info tab Payment Options section.

Am I misunderstanding? Any ideas how to return the Payment Display Text? Thank you in advance.

(Running QW v5.5 build 1.09)




Glad you have what you need Steve :) 

Thanks Matt for the assist!

Thanks Matt. Sounds like that's exactly what I need.

Steve, [QV_StandardPaymentOptionDescription] will be your friend here. This is now my default macro.

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Thanks for the list John, that's really helpful.

I'm going to try to show what I meant in screen shots below.

If you use the QuoteWerks &PaymentOptions macro


it will show the following depending on which options you have selected:


That 3rd option is a Custom Option, which are modifiable within QuoteWerks. However, in QuoteValet, I don't see a macro that matches those descriptions. We get [QV_StandardPaymentOptionSubType], which doesn't show the modified description we entered in QuoteWerks:




So, where it says "NET30 Purchase" in QuoteWerks, it says "CustomPaymentType1" when we send to the client via QuoteValet. Is there a QV macro that will say (for this example) "NET30 Purchase" or whatever else we have as the Custom Payment verbiage?

Also Steve,

How/why are you trying to use this? 

When you say " &PaymentOptions QuoteWerks macro, which shows the actual Custom Payment Option text"...

Yes that shows a phrase of text...

>> as opposed to 'CustomPaymentType1' with no description that I'm seeing in QuoteValet. <<

But where are you seeing this, where do you want it? What do you want returned?

Real life example would be good, and screenshots and markups are best.

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Hi Steve,

Thank you for your list, we caught about 10 we did not have in our list. In the next couple of days we will be updating our online helpfile with the comprehensive list of macros:

Until then, here is our current list:

QuoteValet specific macros:

























































































































































































































































































































Document Headers macros:























































































































































































































































































































Document Items macros:









































































































































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I made a very much unofficial list if anyone else is looking for these:























































































The only ones that are publically available are here...

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