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Line Item # on QuoteValet Template

Hi Folks,

I've got a request to have  "Line Item #" appear in the Line Item Detail section of our QuoteValet quote template. Right now the columns that appear are "Qty", "Description", "Picture", Unit Price" and "Ext Price".

I'm moderately good with CSS.  I was going to clone the current template and take a close look at how the code is set up for "Qty", "Description", etc., etc. and use that as a roadmap.  Has anyone does this edit before? 






Are actually available macros for QuoteValet so you just need to drop in a column in your table for  [DI_&LINENUMBER]  (that is the one most people use since you can exclude certain line types like group members from being numbered).  Snippet of how to start:

       <div id="line-items-section" class="section">
            <table id="line-item-detail-table" class="table-001 [Begin_HasLineItemVideo]qv-has-line-item-videos[End_HasLineItemVideo]">
                       Line #
                    <th class="col-th-price">
                    <th class="col-qv-line-item-video">
                    <th class="col-th-price">
                        Unit Price
                    <th class="col-th-price">
                        Ext Price
                <tr class="row-product">
                    <td class="col-option-box">
                    <td class="col-number">
                    <td class="col-qty">

Make sure you add the column all the way down or your lines won't line up.  :)

Thanks Cat - you learn something every day! Certainly didn't see that in any release notes anywhere.

As a low priority task, could the documentation on this be updated to include these references (and any others recently added)?

Hi Matt, 

I've become so used to going to this forum topic I didn't think about the documentation.  I'll make a note to get it updated in one of the next times we push a new help file.

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