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QuoteWerks Web Request


Is it possible to add a direct way to save PDFs to a computer? Instead of the workaround of going to File/ Print, Preview and then downloading the files?

Some of our employees wanted a simpler way, like going to "File" and hitting " save as PDF  to computer" and then selecting a default folder once, after doing so it would automatically save to that specific folder after clicking save to computer. Is this something you are working on or that could be implemented in the future? 

Just asking for a way to automate and simplify the process..

If you are running QuoteWerks Corporate, then you could create yourself a custom menu which runs a script to print the document. The script would look something like this:

Application.DocFunctions.DocumentPrint "LAYOUT01.FPC", "", "", 0, "", "", False, ""

This is for QWW?

Ah... unfortunately QW scripting does not work with QWW at this time, only Desktop.

Yes.. Post was more of a feature request since we assumed that was the case with QWW.

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