Joe, I had an idea down similar lines, I was thinking of trying to display a message next to the accept button highlighted in red, maybe it is not a bad idea to do both.
Matt, changing the text via HTML/CSS is very easy, I actually set up my template to display the items within a group in italics/light grey and I believe smaller font when selected to be displayed in QuoteWerks. To me and for customers and even for my staff it was very confusing because the only difference between the group and the items in the group was the font being bold, same color, same size.
The biggest hurdle I see is how to code the If/Then/Else, once this can be coded or scripted you can then choose to either change the color of the font or add a text message.
I am still interested in pursuing the coding option, when I have time I will play with it a bit more but I have a feeling, based on what I can see with the current code and supporting css files, that this approach may be out of bounds and embedded within the java scripts, maybe additional documentation is required or let's be honest maybe it is simply way over my head.
Does QuoteWerks offer additional templates that can be downloaded or copy-pasted into QuoteValet like they offer for QuoteWerks templates?
One of my clients has a small script that appends the text "Optional Item" automatically to a CustomText field for relevant item(s) to address the potential for a client not quite understanding.
This field is then displayed on QuoteValet.
If it's not optional, there's obviously no text to display.
I'll have a little fiddle to see if it's possible to change the formatting (say put the text in green) if it's optional via the HTML/CSS
We've added a bolded, red font line into the interactive section of the PDF box reminding the customer to click the "UPDATE" button on any changes. Seems like a decent low effort fix. Not foolproof, of course.
Roberto Elizondo
I am having a lot of problems with customer visualizing the optional items check box. I just closed a deal where the customer forgot to check the box and was expecting the item to be included in the price that was approved. This is becoming a big problem for me because people are busy and are not reviewing the QuoteValet quote thoroughly and often skip the optional items thinking that they are included.
I was able to display the message "(Optional Item NOT Selected)" or "(Optional Item Selected)" underneath the extended price field of the PDF document, you cannot miss it. If I could code something similar in QuoteValet, it will serve me two-fold because either the customer will catch it or I will while on the preview.
I am not an expert on css or html but I know enough to have comfortably done some extensive customization on some of the templates however this coding has proven to be a little bit more challenging than what I expected. I started by trying to add test text to what I assume is the optional line item under the line items section but nothing so far has shown up on the preview. Can somebody be so kind as to offer some sort of tip or trick that can help me jump start the coding or is all this coding internal Java that I will not be able to touch?