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Cannot get Synnex Real time to work.

SYNNEX says my Login is correct. It just won't work with quotewerks.

Over the weekend I got an error report that looks like it is logging in but there are XML problems.

Dear SYNNEX Customer,
You are receiving this notice because we are seeing a regular series of error replies from the XML service queries requested from our XML server.
The error details are as below:


Number of errors

Error Details



Sorry, the PA service you requested should be registered or you have not used this service for 90 days, Please contact the SYNNEX Helpdesk for assistance at [email protected].

Please double-check your XML inquires to address error noted above or send an email to the Synnex XML Support Team at [email protected] for assistance.


I'm getting the same error. Were you able to resolve it?

 i had the same error and I had contact Synnex to activate the PA services

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