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Modifying Button Text

Maybe I'm missing something here, but is there a simple way to modify the text of the "Update" ([QV_SubmitOptions]), "Click to Accept" ([QV_SubmitAccept]) and "Submit" ([QV_SubmitComment]) buttons in QuoteValet quotes? I tried adding a value attribute to the macros in the source html (in the same way that you can add class attributes), but it didn't seem to work.

Thanks for confirming, Cat. 

Hi Steve - 

Yes, a javascript is the only way to change these currently such as you have done or for example 


<script type="text/javascript">

var elem = document.getElementById("QV_SubmitAccept");

elem.value = "TEXTE SUR LE BOUTON";



<script type="text/javascript">

var elem = document.getElementById("QV_SubmitOptions");

elem.value = "TEXTE SUR LE BOUTON";



<script type="text/javascript">

var elem = document.getElementById("QV_SubmitComment");

elem.value = "TEXTE SUR LE BOUTON";


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*Modify the value attribute of each id -- 

Guess I can't update posts? Only a delete option.

Well...if anyone knows a better way to do this, please let me know, but if you add a script that modifies the id attribute of each after the macro has rendered, it will change the text of that button.

I used jQuery .val i.e.:

        $("#QV_SubmitAccept").val("Click to Accept Proposal");
        $("#QV_SubmitComment").val("Submit your Question");
        $("#QV_SubmitOptions").val("Update Total")


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I agree, the best I was able to come up with were things like the below. So I can customise the look and feel, but after spending 3 hours on the wording.. I just gave up!




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Thanks Matt. I'm contemplating writing some Javascript to try to change the value but I don't even know if that will work right. And it feels pretty hacky and inelegant.

I tried for some time and never got it to work. Can customise pretty much everything else about the button, but I could never get the value to stick, or without it throwing errors..

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