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Import option to remove old products

woul be good to have this option when importing price lists

Update Existing Products and append new products and delete old products

That way old products will be deleted from the database

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Hi steve, yes; basically indicating by using associated folders as the mechanics QW could give users a bit more visibility on what's been imported or changed and that should be an option on the import wizard. I noticed yesterday whilst trying to tidy up a database and its folders that.... !! The associated folders "folder list" seem to ghost products if/when they have been 'removed' [disassociated] from a folder. I think that needs a fix as well, seperate to this !! Using a seperate database could be an idea but maybe my concept is to optionally keep the data in the same database or eventually delete the old data once happy with the import. These sorts of features along with an edit line item on product lookup are in my opinion much overdue. Getting data in is easy. Managing it within QW is not fast enough and I dont like exporting re-importing lists all the time. Luckily I know a few medic tricks thanks to you and Terry but really that should be last option on managing data.

@Stefano: so another step after Step 4 of the import wizard to summarise the expected changes?

Perhaps the concept of a Recycle Bin could be introduced which would be just a standard QuoteWerks Product Data Source to move the 'what would be trashed' records to...

Hi Scott, I do understand your use case and might be going that route later.
One of our potential databases is 1500 line items, updated 2x per day from our supplier.
All we get is an excel csv. I can do it manually easy.

I was indicating perhaps of a missing feature.
For less automated or automated database management scenarios, I can imagine a user may want to see 'what would be trashed' in the import or indeed 'what is the latest import dataset'
or 'what has changed'.

This might be a simple idea and give 'information' to a user just by using and pushing some
products into "associated folders" (on import).

Over to the devs on that one!

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to many products for that and we do daily imports, actually managed to get some code written for this by quotewerks developer that automatically does this on a daily basis when daily import script runs

Update append and move old products into qw associated folder called "trash soon" (final review, then trash) - if you can reference "QuoteWerks Forum" and the URL to this topic in the email, then that will remind me of the requirement. Thank you.

Hi Hilltops,

can you send me your details as I think the solution might work for us

PS the import script we use is similar to Mat Rose and is scheduled daily task

set quotewerks=c:\applications\quotewerks\QW.EXE /u:Pricefiles /p:"DECRYPT:securekeyy!!!

%QUOTEWERKS% /i:empr.pit /dontstartaddons /exit:2
%QUOTEWERKS% /i:dickerdata.pit /dontstartaddons /exit:2

Thanks Matt, that is exactly what I was trying to understand.

Something similar to the below run in the Medic Utility Data Manager might achieve what you're after...


DELETE FROM Products_OurProducts_Products 
WHERE DATEDIFF(day, LastModified, GETDATE()) = 0

The script sill delete any Products not updated "today", i.e. updated by the import that you just ran.

Note that the table name may be different (take a look at the Product Data Source Setup to clarify and just append "_Products" to the Data Source name listed. Syntax is also different for Standard, Professional or Corporate not re-hosted. Let me know if you require similar for a MS Access back end.

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@Paul, this is what I use...

Copy this into notepad, replace the variables with your details and save as a .bat file extension.

This will then open QW, run the first import routine, then the second, then the third.

One of my clients imports about 150,000 products each week from multiple suppliers - hits the button to run the routine, goes off and makes a cup of tea, comes back and it's all done without any user interaction.

"FolderPathToQuoteWerksFolder\qw.exe" /u:UserNameHere /p:PasswordHere /i:ImportTemplateNameHere.pit /exit:2


"FolderPathToQuoteWerksFolder\qw.exe" /u:UserNameHere /p:PasswordHere /i:ImportTemplate2NameHere.pit /exit:2 


"FolderPathToQuoteWerksFolder\qw.exe" /u:UserNameHere /p:PasswordHere /i:ImportTemplate3NameHere.pit /exit:2 

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@Greg Barber, but if you don't mind can you advise how you import via batch/script? We have 4 CSV files we get every Friday morning that I currently import. Interested to know how you do this.

Thanks and sorry I am not providing solutions/ideas for your problem.

yes but I import pricelists daily and there are 13 of them which I receive from suppliers automatically loaded to an import folder.

all the imports on done via batch/script overnight, so I do not currently do anything manually and don't want to have to.

Got a new price list from one of our suppliers today.

Import wizard step3 advanced, mapping selections, notes, manually add a customized note for all with today date or something else unique for this import.

Step 4, I use Update and Append

Field1 in my csv list cross match with QW ManufacturerPartNumber

The I have List and NOTES to update.

I can do the same on other customized field.

After import I went to the product lookup windows and organized by notes column.

It was very easy to see which product were from the new price list and which one are left untouched.

Select those untouched and delete all at once.

This is faster for me than making a discontinued items list to delete on import.

yes we import or update 100,000 products per day from suppliers and would get 100's of obsolete products per week from supplier pricelists so currently have many obsolete products sitting in our QuoteWerks products database

Definitely would like to have a DELETE ITEMS option when importing.

Matt Rose suggestion does work with a few but it's painful with many items.

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