We use the bcc field settings in the Activity Notification window to create tickets in our ConnectWise installation. Works really well and allows our sales support team to be notified as a group when a client has approved an order.
That was it. If anyone is looking for it in the future there actually IS a CC field in that tab.
Hi Curt,
If you go into QuoteWerks and go to Tools | Options | Tenant Account, If you click 'QuoteValet Setup', you should see a tab labelled 'Activity Notifications' from here, you can set your email preferences for QuoteValet. In your particular case, you would be able to set who these emails would get sent to. One thing to note is that you can't enter an email address directly but it users the email address within that users QuoteWerks profile. However, the QuoteWerks licensing structure does not put a limit on the amount of user profiles you can have created within QuoteWerks so if it needs to go to a generic email address i.e. accounts@company.com, you can create a dummy account with this email address in order to copy them in.
Best Regards,
Brandon Haycock
Quintadena Ltd.
Curt Giacomoni
So whenever a quote is approved, an email is sent to one email address. I can see that the below section is the section where the subject line is pulled from, but I can't seem to find the section where the addressee emails (to, cc, bcc) are stored. Is there a way that I can make all NotificationSalesRep emails have a CC address, or better yet, just the NotificationAccepted and NotificationQuestionPosted events?