A Summary Line Item would work to get the values albeit you might not be able to position them on the Layout where you might like. Alternatively 1) a formula field on the Layout or 2) a VB script if you have the Corporate edition. Just let me know if you'd like more information on any of these suggestions.
We do have corporate edition so if you have an idea of how we could do this with a script that would be awesome.
There are a few notes on creating scripts in the QuoteWerks User Guide here and you can apply for the QuoteWerks SDK here. Basically the script should loop through the Line Items and sum the Labor and Products for the different totals and then write these values to a couple of CustomTextXX fields on the Document Header. Once the values are in the CustomTextXX fields, then can then be placed on the Document Layout.
* Usually you'd distinguish "Labor" Line Items from "Product" Line Items by the Item Type or other such categorisation.
* You might also want to consider including Tax, Carriage and other miscellaneous items that the Customer may have to pay for in the totals.
If you do not have access to a programmer, then please let me know and I'll be more than happy to give you a price for creating the script - [email protected]
Todd Gaito
Our payment terms are based on 2-payments.
Payment #1 - all product in the proposal.
Payment #2 - all labor in the proposal.
Currently we have to manually add up all product (including tax) and all labor and then enter those numbers in manually in our template (see image).
Is anyone aware of a way to make this happen automatically?