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Support for ServiceNow

Hi Community -

Has anyone developed connectivity into ServiceNow?

I have a use case where I'd like to manage purchasing through QuoteWerks and use the built in features to push PO into over to QuickBooks Online.

Then, after a purchase order has been issued and linked to QB-O, I'd like to be able to trigger pushing the PO into ServiceNow.

Have anyone developed an integration to ServiceNow?

I know this may be a big ask, because ServiceNow is so customizable, but thought I'd get this question out there.


1 Comment

Unfortunately there's no integrations with ServiceNow that I am aware of. If you'd consider building a custom solution, then I've got considerable experience integrating QuoteWerks with various packages - take a look at our website here and here. Get in touch direct if you'd like to discuss - [email protected]

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