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Setting Permissions for Changing Cost or Price By Item and Not By User

We are a trade show business and need to have certain items where cost and price cannot be changed.  Other items that are a third party service, etc. need to be changed for every show.  If I change access by User to not be able to change cost or price, it refers to all items and they cannot change the ones that need to be changed even if they are in a separate database.  Is there some way to give access by product grouping or individal item, rather than by user?

>> Is there some way to give access by product grouping or individal item, rather than by user? <<

The short answer is "no". However if you have the Corporate edition then you could write a script to validate against Users changing Unit Cost / Unit Price.

[email protected] if you do not have access to a developer that could write a script.

In a word, no. Not with default QW functionality, anyway.

It would be possible to have a script that will stop the user from changing a cost/price for some items, but allow them to change others.

Probably a couple of hours or so work in that.

[email protected]

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