Can you not consider your charge items as a product type and account type of 'income'.
so create an account in quickbooks - "charges" and simplify it a bit.
I believe it is also possible to have 'master accounts' in QB and create child or sub
accounts of these.
>> Card charge type 1
>> Card charge type 2
I've not tested this as i work differently but I think if you create the items 1st in quickbooks "charge 1,charge 2...charge30..then when quotewerks sends over the line items it (QB)
might be able to match them to the right account.
Doing inventory or refunds in quotewerks - i would not likely consider.
So you are back to quickbooks to manage that maybe?
Let me know your thoughts.
Hi Scott, I use quickbooks pro 'accountant' (desktop version)
but i do 'bare bones accounting' in quickbooks and do all paperwork
in quotewerks upto the invoice stage...
I think your requirement might be to simplify what happens in QW
as doing 'money related' stuff like refunds etc or inventory management
is not what Qwerks is really designed to do.
For now, am i correct to assume:
1. Core Charges when a customer does not send in a core. These are not inventory, but are charged in advance. A core credit is issued when a core is returned.
>> So this is a 'product item' it is 'billable' and an 'income account'.
2. Processing charges to handle international “Cash In Advance” (CIA), payments,
>> This is an admin fee so its billable and also an income account.
3. Credit Card service fees
>> Again you are charging your customer a fee so this is also an income account.
4. Remanufactured products that are built in house and are inventory assemblies. There are many, many different models that are involved.
>> Again this is a 'product' or a 'product bundle' assembly or 'bom'.
It is a billable product although it may pass through production
and so it does not appear as 'posted' (in qb) until invoiced.
If you have a suggestion, I would love any assistance you can provide. Here are some examples:
1. Core Charges when a customer does not send in a core. These are not inventory, but are charged in advance. A core credit is issued when a core is returned.
2. Processing charges to handle international “Cash In Advance” (CIA), payments,
3. Credit Card service fees
4. Remanufactured products that are built in house and are inventory assemblies. There are many, many different models that are involved.
Scott J. Edgell
Northeast Sales Representative
In the mapping section for Quickbooks, I am able to map 1 single discount item and one single charge item to their proper account in QB. I need to have around 6 different discount items and 30 different charge items.
OK, I guess I'm not following what you're wanting to do (probably because QB isn't too big over here in the UK).
What does the software/integration not do that you want it to do?
Thank you for the response. Non-Inventory are not trackable in QB and we need to be able to track outstanding cores as well as the parts used in building. I'm guessing that we could call various service fees non-inventory, but technically, they should not be if you are accounting. I have mapped the CC service fee in the mapping field and shipping field to Freight, but because we have almost 250 items that are inventory assemblies or other charges, I am having problems making QW work and I like how it integrates with ACT.
Could these be non-inventory items?
Scott Edgell
We use several "Other Charges" items in QuickBooks along with Inventory Assemblies for our shop. QW only allows for Inventory Items and Service Items. Some examples of our "Other Charges" include "International Shipping & Handling Fee", Credit Card Service Fee, Core Charges, Core Credits, and Wire Transfer Fee. Our inventory assemblies are for pick tickets in our manufacturing side for remanufactured items. Any suggestions?