I've read this about 5 times but still not following.
What's your process where you're not seeing the option?
Deliver > Email ?
What's your process where you are seeing the option?
Deliver > Preview > Email ?
What CRM?
Hey Matt,
Sorry for not being clear.
Deliver > email. I want any documents created and auto attached to the email here to get sent to CRM also (salesforce in our case)
Hi George,
Do you have this option checked in your Tools --> Options --> Print tab?
If you change this setting, be sure to close & re-open QuoteWerks for the changes to apply.
Hi Cat,
Yeah, got that feature checked, and quotewerks does pop up very briefly with something along the lines of "saving PDF to salesforce.com" however no pdf ever appears. All the other salesforce integration stuff (like products) is working fine, so I know the handshake is all happening etc...
You need to tick the "use salesforce files instead of notes & attachments" checkbox for attachments to appear now. QW trying to save notes doesn't save anything... Thanks for the help team! :-)
Hi George - yeah the use files vs notes & attachments options depend on which Salesforce interface you are using (classic or lightning) and which sections you have visible on either. By default, classic had notes & attachments and lightning had files, so we made the option able to work with either. Glad you got it figured out! :)
George Veys
So I appreciate if you deliver a quote as a PDF directly - you can tick the option to "send to CRM" however odly, this feature doesn't exist when you choose to send the PDF via email? Has anyone found a work around here?