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Copy Paste

One a daily basis I need to copy and paste within the same estimate for breakouts.

I need to do this with any of the thousands of items in the database so need to copy from the BOM above and paste below and provide as an optional price. See screenshot below. When I paste, I need to relink all the associated labor before changing the quantities. I lose the link between the material and labor when pasting.

(68.2 KB)

How close am I to understanding?

You copy Widget-A/Widget-B/Widget-C (and the associated labour LAB-A/LAB-B/LAB-C) from the top section down to a bottom section. 

The quantity linking is lost.

Possibly worse, LAB-B (in the second section) would update if WidgetB (in the first section) was changed.

You want the 'new' WidgetB to have it's own link with the 'new' LAB-B?

How close am I to understanding? (Pretty close, see below)



You copy Widget-A/Widget-B/Widget-C (and the associated labour LAB-A/LAB-B/LAB-C) from the top section down to a bottom section. (correct)



The quantity linking is lost.(In the example below - the link is lost below between 350’ of innerduct and the 7 hours of labor. I’d like to copy 350’ of innerduct with labor and paste elsewhere to create an optional price with the ability to change 350’ of innerduct to let’s say 100’ and have the associated labor calculate to 2hrs in this case)





Possibly worse, LAB-B (in the second section) would update if WidgetB (in the first section) was changed.(fortunately any changes to the lower (2nd section) does not automatically change the upper (1st section)



You want the 'new' WidgetB to have it's own link with the 'new' LAB-B? (Correct, Ideally the link would be maintained when doing a copy paste. When I create a new “Untitled Quote” I can copy and paste, and the link is maintained, however when doing the same within a quote the link is lost.)





Steve Siewert, RCDD

Yeah, I can see why QuoteWerks is doing what it's doing. I can, equally, see how it's a bit frustrating.

This is certainly going to involve the QW team getting their thinking caps on.

It might be something that could have a small bit of custom code written for.

Something like: Highlight Line, right-click, CopyCodePasteCode

That could (I'm theorising) copy the ProductCode and associated labor and then drop an equivalent down at the bottom.. this would keep the relationship (actually creating a new one) without affecting the one at the top.

If your able to help with this Matt, it would be very appreciated.

Our opportunities with larger multiple disciplined projects through General Contractors often require many options and breakouts where the copy paste ability would be very helpful. I’d think you have many clients who would find this helpful.




Steve Siewert, RCDD

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