Hi all.
I'll see what can be done about getting the old "Get QV Url" button re-instated.
In the mean time here's another method for getting at the url:
Pick a Custom Text field and add the following F2 lookup entry to it:
Now moving forward you can:
1) F2 (or Double-click) the field
2) Double-click the Marcro
3) Ctrl-A Ctrl-C
Curt, pretty obvious I would have thought. Until a quote is uploaded there is no QuoteValet document, so no ID and no URL.
So here's a fun fact. [DH_QuoteValetDocumentID] isn't populated until AFTER the first upload, so you need to re-upload the quote in order for the link to work properly
I have no idea how I didn't think of that. Thanks guys
Matt is correct. Very easy customisation to the QuoteValet template. Nice idea too.
It would be incredible if there was a "Deliver this quote to customer" option somewhere on the &internal=1 page
Hi guys - what build was that button there in? I tried it in v5.0 b4.44 and don't see a button. Was it back in one of the v4.x versions?
As per John above.
It definitely was there and I still hold a candle for it :)
UK users usually have to wait 5+ seconds for the QuoteValet tab to load..
then click the view customer facing page link
then copy it from the address bar
John, I might just use that little script in my own installation.. thanks for sharing!
Way back originally there was a GET QV Url button, which copied the URL to the clipboard.
This discussion is basically related to the same issue
The button is available when you go to upload the quote, but it's a pain getting to it just to get the URL.
The reason is that often, at least in the real world, emailing the link is required. As you can see from the discussion I mentioned, people are going to extraordinary means to achieve what should be a simple task.
From my point of view, being able to identify the actual QuoteWerks object is important. I often run more than one QuoteWerks, and I've got one client that has 10 different QuoteWerks installs running on the one Terminal Server.
Hi John - What button is "missing" from the QuoteValet tab? View customer facing page is still there. Not sure which button you mean.
I've got a simple vbscript that you can use to copy the quotevalet link to the clipboard. I've just added it to my Tools menu
I've just discovered one issue though. Doesn't work as expected when you have more than one instance of QuoteWerks running, which shouldn't be an issue for most users.
This way you get the URL without triggering a Quote Viewed.
Not sure why they took the button off the QuoteValet tab though.
I've attached the script.
Yes, it worked. Thank you very much
I understand.
Might be worth trying the above to see if it does what you need.
Curt Giacomoni
I've done some tinkering on some of the automated emails that are generated when the customer views or accepts the quote in Quotevalet, but I can't find one for the automatically generated email when an expired quote is viewed. Is there a way I can customize the subject line? Example email attached.
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