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Quotevalet Order Form Layout Examples

I am wondering if anyone can share examples of customizatons done  to the layout of the Quotevalet Oder give me inspiration.

Would be great to see someting with ship to bill to, abiolity to change quantities and of course some pretty pictures.

I'm open to firms quoting me to accomplish this as well.


[email protected]

I'll ping you one of my examples..

Hi Matt - I agree its very subjective and really suporting pitcures with how they are currently displayed is ok.

Ideally ship to and bill to at the top of the form where logo and remove god damn upgly shopping cart pic is displayed.

I have added a PO filed to one of the variants as well.

Ideally I'd llike to try and work out a way to deal with repat orders that might have multiple shop addresses.  Two challenges 1)calculating shipping unless this is billed sepatrately and 2)real estate to add 2nd ship fields.  Looking in formulas I could only see ship 1 and ship 2.  

I would need to have  two branded versions - one for Avaya Cloud and the other branded cti.  Does not need to be anyting fancy. I did one for Telstra related deals and the template is slectable when I save as quotevalet template but it does not  display the branding the same as when I wold upload to quotevalet..Possible only one template supported on qoutevalet orders? 

Customer must be able to change quantity.

Would be great to include a video of how repeat ordering works and teh advantages cti bring to the table.

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It's so subjective, it really is...

Quite a lot of what I've done is actually to strip it back to something really simple, no man with shopping cart and ripping out references to QuoteValet. Updating the look of the submit button.

Not sure where 'pretty pictures' would fit in.

Do you have any mockup you'd like created in HTML?

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