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Ability to transfer multi currency into Quickbooks Desktop & Online

I think it's an essential feature that should be implemented in Quotewerks. Many companies nowadays do business with foreign customers with the QB Multi-currency functionality, and it would be very helpful to be able to create documents from QW in QB with alternate currencies other than the base currency. I don't think it should be that complicated for the QW Dev team to implement.

With your multiple posts, it would be really helpful if you would define how you see this working in practice. This sort of thing is not straightforward and gets very complicated very quickly.

Questions such as the below need your input, I'm sure there are dozens of others:

  • What exchange rate are we using/where are we getting that value from? Where is this set? Does it need to use the rate at quote stage, order stage, transfer to QuickBooks stage? 
  • Do you sell at one exchange rate, but buy at another?
  • How does QW/QB know which currency to use and when (is it different for POs/Invoices)?
  • What are the tax implications?
  • Could one QW order have POs needing to be raised in multiple other currencies?

Creating a detailed workflow of HOW this should work is important for them?

I think the easiest way to implement this would be to have QW prompt the user whether to map the unit price in QW with the unit price in QB or the alternate unit price in QW with the unit price in QB. This way there is no need to do any currency conversions in QW, just transfer the alternate unit price instead of the unit price.



In QB each customer can only be assigned one currency, so if the customer already exists in QB and you transfer the alternate unit price, QW doesn’t have to deal with exchange rates, it will be handled internally by QB. If the customer doesn’t exist in QB, then I think it would be a matter of QW creating the customer in QB and assigning the same currency as the alternate unit price in QW.



Please let me know if you understand how I explained it.



Pablo Lorenzo

Clear Net SRL

Cel.: +1809-470-6920

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