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Create a new one like the below:
The font will be the same as the description, you can't alter that font independently of the core description.
Of course, you could have a different font by setting a conditional font or new detail section, for the type of item.
For example, all of my (non-selected) options appear in Green and my optional text is a "*".
I then have a line at the bottom of my quote indicating that any items in green are optional and not going towards the quote total.
That's not a bad idea, just wondering, can I leave it blank instead of inserting a "*"? Do you happen to know the Key Name for the Optional Item Selected?
Hi Roberto ~
Yes, you can leave it blank and it won't print. The Selected Optional Items is similar, OptionalSelectedItemText
Can I relocate this to a CustumMemo field instead of having this displaying on the optional lines at the end of the description? Is this possible?
Thanks for your help.
At the moment, that's not possible. A script would be required, if not considered by the QW dev. team, to do something like:
If Optional : Set CustomMemoXX = "XXXX"
If OptionalSelected : Set CustomMemoXX = "YYYY"
Roberto Elizondo
Is it possible to move, remove or change the font style of the (Optional) and (Optional - SELECTED) that displays on the optional lines at the end of the description?