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Email notifications

I have the ability to add an email address for activity notifications under Tools> Options> QuoteValet.Activity Notifications >For activity drop down.
Can there be one created for  REMINDER: Payment is due  email notification?

That way mt accounting department that tracks and receives payments will have the ability to be notified to request payment like the remaining 50% on a quote.

We would also like to see this as a feature

+1 on this being added as a feature

Thanks Matt, Setting up the rule for now sounds like the best way.

This issue with this is that those emails are (or have the ability to be) defined on a document by document basis.

I agree that DocumentNotViewed / Payment is Due / ExpiresIn emails would be good to have the option of being CCd

You could probably get clever with Outlook Rules to auto-forward such emails.

For example, if Subject contains XXXXX forward to [email protected]

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