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How do I remove a page count on a layout?

I edited one of the layouts included in QuoteWerks but I am unable to figure out how to get rid of what appears to be a system page count that keeps showing up underneath mine, I placed my page count in the Page Footer. Anybody knows how to do it?



1 person has this question

Please add me to the feature request as I would like to be able to reposition the page numbers. Currently the page numbers appear in our logo on our T&Cs and brochures.


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Hi Roberto ~

You can remove the page numbering on the layout itself and use the system generated page numbering - this ensures that all documents, including any attachments, are numbered sequentially.  Alternately, you have the option of changing the wording of the system generated page numbering, or you can turn it off completely.

To Format the Page Numbering Text:

- Ensure all users are logged out of QuoteWerks except an administrative user

- Click Help->About

- Click on Settings Manager button (this may be on the System tab depending on your version and build).

- For Table select SystemSettings and for Section choose Defaults

- Search for the PageCountPhraseMacro

- If the entry is missing, you will have to add it:

     Click the Orange NEW button to add a new setting.

     Make sure the Section is Defaults

     In the KeyName enter in PageCountPhraseMacro

     In the Key Value enter how you would like the Text for the page number to appear, for example, if you want it to be "Page 1 of 3", it would be Page %x% of %y%

- Click OK

- Restart QuoteWerks, and you should be set.

To DISABLE the Page Numbering:

- Ensure all users are logged out of QuoteWerks except an administrative user

Click Help->About

- Click on Settings Manager button (this may be on the System tab depending on your version and build).

- For Table select SystemSettings and for Section choose Defaults

- Search for the DisablePageCountPhraseMacro

- If the entry is missing, you will have to add it:

     Click the Orange NEW button to add a new setting.

     Make sure the Section is Defaults

     In the KeyName enter in DisablePageCountPhraseMacro

     In the Key Value enter -1

- Click OK

- Restart QuoteWerks, and you should be set.

Is there any way to also be able to control the font or the color or the size?

What is the key value of the DisablePageCountPhraseMacro if down the road I changed my mind and I wanted to turn it back on is it just 1? 

OK, I figured out the DisablePageCountPhraseMacro, you need to change the key value to a 0 to re-enable the PageCountPhraseMacro.

Correct, to turn them back on you can either remove the key, or set the value to 0

There is a feature request in currently to be able to format the text font, size, and position, however this is currently not possible.  I will add your information to the feature request so that if it becomes available, you will be notified.

This is a lot of help, thank you.

Sorry, just replied along the lines of Cat in another post.

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