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Documents from the Procurement Module


The document (PO) that this module seems to be able to generate is very limited (given, its just a HTML template) however, there's no option to generate a nice PDF attached to an email, like the quote engine. What have other users done to get around this?

The rest of the module is great, but we can't live with in body purchase orders (needs to be PDF). And the "export po to pdf" adds horrible borders round the page, no page break functionality etc etc etc!



Best Answer

You can create Purchase Order templates using the same designer as the other document types, however this doesn't seem to be 'linked' to the Purchasing module.

One of my clients creates the Purchase Order record through the module and then comes out of that module to generate the document they want to send. 

Works: Yes

A bit of a faff: Yes

Any other solution to meet their need: No, not that I'm aware of


You can create Purchase Order templates using the same designer as the other document types, however this doesn't seem to be 'linked' to the Purchasing module.

One of my clients creates the Purchase Order record through the module and then comes out of that module to generate the document they want to send. 

Works: Yes

A bit of a faff: Yes

Any other solution to meet their need: No, not that I'm aware of

For clients with more advanced requirements around purchasing and email, we've developed these solutions... let me know if you'd like to know more!

  • QuoteWerks HTML Email utility, details here
  • QuoteWerks PO Tracking, details here

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Hey Hilltops, would love to know more. Do you want to ping me a mail and we can chat further? [email protected]

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