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What I see in the layout design editor in not matching the preview.

I am working on the layout designer Report Footer 3. I have new terms and conditions that I am adding that require one of the sentences to be in bold. I am assuming that I cannot bold just a sentence or a few words inside of a label this is why I split the text into 3 labels. I bolded the one I needed to be bold but it is not showing as bold in the preview. I also added a signature section in Report Footer 3. I put 4 new labels that I matched with 4 lines. The lines in the preview are all over the place. Am I doing something wrong?

Any tips or help on how to fix this will be greatly appreciated.

>> I am assuming that I cannot bold just a sentence or a few words inside of a label <<

That is correct - a label can only be one font.

>> I bolded the one I needed to be bold but it is not showing as bold in the preview <<

Sometimes labels (and fields and images and formulae) can inadvertently get a Conditional Font applied to them. To see if this is the case, edit the Layout, select the label and then go to the Format menu and run your mouse over the 'Conditional Font...' option. If it is ticked, then select 'Conditional Font...' and remove it.

TOP TIP: whenever I edit a Layout, before I start adding labels or field, etc. I will select a label or field that has the font and properties I want on the field I am about to add, then go to the Format menu and select 'Set as Active Style' and 'Select as Active Field Properties'. Once 'Set as Active Style' and 'Select as Active Field Properties' are selected, only then will I add the label/field/formula. This can help avoid Conditional Fonts, etc. being inadvertently applied to the new label or field being added.

>> The lines in the preview are all over the place <<

Fields can grow bigger when they are viewed, so pushing labels and fields lower down the  Layout further down.

Can you upload the FPC file for us to review?

How picky is the editor? As soon as I shortened some of the URLs I have in the top label, the bold text showed up and the signature lines started matching the editor.

It's going to be almost impossible to help without seeing the layout I'm afraid. Or, at least, seeing multiple screenshots.


I am trying to make it fail but I cannot, for whatever reason now it's working no matter what I do. In the screenshots below I changed the URLs to make them long on purpose.  Before, I had to move the signature and date line to the left until it was an underline to make it show up in the correct place in the preview and the text was not showing up in bold. What I would like to do is to merge the 3 separate labels into a single one but keep the bold sentence. Is there a way to do that?



My previous comments and suggestions don't seem to have been published yet, but in summary: I suspect that part of what's going wrong is a Conditional Font inadvertently applied to some of the labels.

I am trying to make it fail but I cannot, for whatever reason now it's working no matter what I do.

On the QuoteWerks you have open when editing the Layout: make the first Line Item a Comment Line. I suspect that the Layout may then not work as expected.


Click the label -> Format -> Conditional Font is probably checked.

I checked and yes the conditional font is checked and indeed some of the conditions on all of the quotes I used to preview were being met except for when I tried it on an empty quote and that's why it worked. 

Matt, Steve, thank you. I Appreciate the help.

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