add to that .and.DocumentItems->QtyTotal<>0
Thank-you however I'm struggling where and how exactly i input the above recommendation. See screenshot of the filtering of the detail section. What should the entry look like when completed? Below is what is currently there.
Edit a layout
right-click on a detail section you want to suppress, 'Filter'
Curious where and how do i implement the logic you provide above so that when i go to preview or print quantities with "0" will not?
You can control this easily enough on a QuoteWerks layout with a filter, but that won't help if you're in QuoteValet (unless we got involved with Javascript).
It would be very easy to change the line attribute automatically via a script.
The logic would be something like:
If the QTY = 0 - set PrintLine=No
If the QTY <> 0 - set PrinteLine=Yes
(this could handle when items go from 0 to >0, or from items previously >0 subsequently changed to 0)
Jeremy Cherny
Is there a setting to not print items with a 0 quantity? I know I can use line attributes to selectively do this and we do that but would prefer the 0 quantity option as it is simply faster and easier to train.
We have a long list of items in a template and go back and forth with the customer on which items to include in the final quote. Messing with the attributes or deleting/adding products is cumbersome.
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